Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Funny Project Stories - part 1

When somebody promotes better ways of doing things, some people in project often ask, “why this one? why right now?”

“Time to market” is the most used excuse – “we have something to deliver”; the other one is “we are so unique that the new ways don’t apply here”.

The answer is simple, “If we don’t start somewhere, we will end up in nowhere.” because the following situations will surely happen:
1. “a penny wise but a dollar foolish”;
2. “Yesterday's solutions are today's problems”

Funny Story 1:
Hire an expensive integration developer, but only give him a machine with 1 GB of memory and a weak CPU. So his machine crawls during debugging code in WebSphere Integration Developer.

Funny Story 2:
Create a small database for almost every project which ends up having many of them after a few years. Then spend millions of dollars if not more, often unsuccessfully to integrate these scattered and unruly databases when business needs to have data from all of them.

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